Sandy and I went to Looe searching for information oabout the mako shark featured in another earlier article.
However, it turns out that we were staying in the house that Mrs. Yallop, the lady who caught the record mako shark, used to live in. They had no other information.

I was then talking to one of the skippers in the quay and was told the tale of the capture. She was out shark fishing and thought she saw a basking shark and asked the skipper to move closer for a better view. As she neared the fish, she realised that it actually was a mako shark. The only bait she had at that time was the mackerel to make rubby dubby (or chum if you prefer). She quickly baited up with one of these and cast it towards the fish where is was taken and this lead to the capture of the fish at 500 lbs, the British record.

I was then talking to some Shark Angling Club of Great Britain members who told me that there was a picture in the Salutation, a hostelty in Looe. Never one to turn down an option to explore further and refresh myself at the same time, I quickl;y found the pub, and sure enough, there it was. The barmaid was kind enough to let me take a photograph which I have enhanced a little for additional clarity.
It's fascinating how these things fall into place like this, as if fate was playing a hand.